App features
Map Search
View listed properties, search by categories and personalized criteria, explore each property in detail (including Google Street Views) and contact Real Estate Agents.
15 minutes updates
Access and view listings updated every 15 minutes. When looking for your dream home every minute counts and accurate search results are critical. Homendo delivers the same data that real estate professionals rely on to serve their clients.
Accurate Listings
Unlike other popular listings websites, Homendo delivers the same data that real estate professionals rely on to serve their clients. All properties are filtered by Active, Under Contract, Pending or Sold status and updated every 15 minutes.
Effective Online Website
Build your user account, link to your preferred Agent, search your dream home, create favorite lists, share searches lists with your relatives, add notes, voices, videos tags... retrieve all your online work on our free mobile apps.
Mobile Apps
Download free apps branded from brokers in our network and enjoy powerful search capabilities like Map Search, Augmented Reality, Search Lists, Favorite Lists, Drive-By Detector™ and more!
Get iPhone / iPad or Android apps
Augmented Reality
Search and find properties around you in real time in the augmented reality panoramic view mode. Simply turn on your tablet video camera and see listings appear on your screen. This is a great way to explore your favorite neighborhood for your dream home, or discover apartments and condos for sale while walking around in your preferred urban areas.
360° Galleries
Select the 360° view mode and spin around with your iPad. It's as if you were standing in the middle of a room and looking around. Perfect to explore your next home from where ever you are!
Favorite Lists
Registered users can add any listings to their favorites list and create as many lists as they wish. These favorites lists can be displayed on the map, shared with friends and family via emails, and are synchronized on both mobile and online accounts.
Videos, Voices, Notes Tags
With the Homendo iPad platform or Online, it's easy to create and add tags (notes, voices, tags) to any listings. Easily share personalized tags with relatives or realtors can update their listings with time sensitive video updates.
Mortgage Calculator
Each listing is linked to the Homendo mortgage calculator with pre-populated information for accurate calculation. Users can also adjust sale price, loan terms, down payment, property taxes, and monthly expenses to compare different results that they can share via email in an instant.
Driving Direction
Get turn-by-turn directions from your geo-located position to any property location, or create a multiple property "tour" itinerary with a single click. Just activate the driving directions function and listen to the instructions. Drive carefully and Homendo will get you there.
Drive-By Detector™
Let Homendo locate homes for you while driving around. Setup search criteria, activate the drive-by detector on your phone and a voice notification will let you know when you are driving by a property that matches your criteria. All you have to do is stop the car and activate the turn-by-turn direction function and let the Drive-By-Detector™ escort you to your dream home.